Around the Halls

Adventure Awaits: Travel Your Next Summer With CIEE

by Dia Ale, Staff Writer Imagine waking up by hearing the busy streets of London, seeing the Eiffel Tower after class, or improving your Spanish skills by ordering tapas in Barcelona. Studying abroad isn’t just another thing to add to your resume-it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity where you get to immerse yourself in new cultures, make

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Let go of your phone and find a healtier sleep habit

A phone is a colossal privilege, allowing one to connect with the world at any given moment. Yet with its massive benefits, there exist a multitude of underlying consequences from one’s consistent use of it. Oftentimes, older generations can be heard saying “It’s the dang phone” as the reason for any problem one is facing. While we often laugh and mock their “old-fashioned” thinking, there does exist some truth in this statement.

Let go of your phone and find a healtier sleep habit Read More »

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